About This Site

EYESHIELDS is a fansite dedicated to the eponymous Eyeshield 21, a shonen manga about American football written by Riichiro Inagaki (also known for Dr. Stone) and illustrated by Yusuke Murata (famous for his art in One Punch Man).
The manga was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from July 23, 2002 to June 15, 2009. There are 37 total volumes of Eyeshield 21, which are licensed and published in English by VIZ Media. It was also made into a terrible anime that we don't talk about unless we're making fun of it or begging the universe for a remake.
Don't let the sport of choice put you off: like most sports manga, you don't need to know the rules for American football (or even like it) to enjoy and understand the series. The rules and how-to of the game are explained in-text, and occasionally thrown out the window for the sake of humor/drama/etc.
Where do I start?
I'm still working on a introduction to the series and its major characters that doubles as an essay on why I think more people should read it (in addition to several other parts of the site). In the meantime, maybe check out some of Yusuke Murata's prolific Eyeshield 21 art on the Posters page or get a feel for the tone of the manga with the side character profiles in Hiruma's Notebook. If you like my site or want to ask a question about it or the series, I would love if you signed the Guestbook!
Thank you for visiting! This site is still being developed and may have issues and/or links that lead nowhere (yet). This site is ideally viewed on Firefox at 900px or larger but will work on most browsers and at most resolutions. If you notice something is broken, feel free to email me at eyeshieldsblog@gmail.com. I'm also open to questions + comments about the site and its content.
- Mar 30, 2023 Guestbook is now up! Check it out, sign if you wish! Started working on the Timeline page, expect that might take me a while to crunch through.
- Mar 21, 2023 Added... a whole bunch. New loading function for image-heavy pages to buy me some time for those to load and the Hiruma's Notebook page are the highlights.
- Mar 12, 2023 Added and completed fanart and posters pages. Added pages for the rest of the gallery sections and the Devilbat 021 page but there's no images on those yet because I'm being lazy about scanning things.
- Mar 09, 2023 Re-writing the entire site. Again. Third times the charm? Added sub-menus, re-did the "about this site" section, added 404 page.
- Feb 26, 2023 I'm alivvvveeee. Fixed gallery lightbox code so that it actually works, made some minor cosmetic changes.
- Jun 19, 2022 Wasn't into some of design elements of the site... so I rewrote it from scratch. Because I hate having free time. ANYWAYS, I'm a lot happier with this now. Feels closer design-wise to some of the websites I really enjoyed visiting in like the mid-2000s, rather than your average WordPress blog, which it resembled before. I still overused divs, though. I'm gonna go to sleep now.
- Jun 06, 2022 The framework for this ridiculous passion project (like I needed another of those) is mostly in place at this point; a lot of pages don't have any content at the moment. The ART and SCANS pages do, though, so check that out!